Sunday, August 10, 2014

Post Conference Impact.

One of the participants at my Speaks Volumes session is employed by one of the large third party producers of online content.  I did mention in my presentation that 7 different vendors' materials had been identified in OCR compliance reports as not being accessible.  (I didn't mention names.)

After the session I got email from this person asking if I could provide them with any of the OCR materials.  I responded that the person's employer had been mentioned in the findings for the South Carolina Virtual Charter School findings, and pointed her to Michael Barbour's blog post on that, which includes links to the OCR finding and resolution.

I do intend to post all the OCR findings I have when the iNACOL publication I've been working on all summer is published.  That was how I was able to get the information, and OCR has said I can publish the reports.

But, I don't have a date for that to be published yet.

Stay tuned.

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